Quantum Optics Laboratory

Theoretical research in the field of quantum optics, quantum information processing
and laser physics

Quantum Optics Laboratory

Experimental research in the field of quantum optics

Congratulations to Elizaveta Bashmakova on receiving a research grants of the "BASIS" Foundation!
Congratulations to Sergei Korolev on receiving a research grants of the "BASIS" Foundation!
Congratulations to Eduard Zinatullin on the successful defense of his PhD thesis!
Congratulations to  Kirill Tikhonov on receiving a RSF grant!
Congratulations to Professor Golubeva Tatiana Yurievna on receiving a RSF grant!
Thanks to our graduate, Mikhail Romanovsky, a special quantum optics scholarship is being established at the Quantum Optics Laboratory to support talented students. Congratulations to Timofey Korol on receiving a special scholarship in quantum optics for 2024!
Most Recent Papers
E. N. Bashmakova, S. B. Korolev, T. Yu. Golubeva, Comparison of Controlled-Z operation and beam-splitter transformation for generation of squeezed Fock states by measurement (https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.11193)

E.A. Vashukevich, T. Yu. Golubeva, Parallel two-qubit entangling gates via QND interaction controlled by rotation (https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.08141)

S. B. Korolev, E. N. Bashmakova, T. Yu. Golubeva, Estimation of the set of states obtained in particle number measurement schemes (https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.01273)

С. Б. Королёв, Т. Ю. Голубева, Особенности конфигурирования взвешенных кластерных состояний в условиях ограниченного ресурса, ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВУЗОВ. РАДИОФИЗИКА, 67 (1), 100 (2024)

В.М. Петров, М.В. Парфенов, А.В. Тронев, Д.Д. Решетников, И.В. Ильичев, Интегрально-оптические волноводы для квантовых фотонных гейтов на длине волны 810 нм // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 6. С. 78–86. http://doi.org/10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-06-78-86

Д.Д. Решетников, А.Л. Соколов, Е.А. Вашукевич, В.М. Петров, Т.Ю. Голубева, Протокол квантового распределения ключа на аксиально-симметричных поляризационных пучках в атмосферном канале // Изв. вузов. Радиофизика. 2024. Т. 67, № 1. C. 58–72.

S. B. Korolev, E. N. Bashmakova, A. K. Tagantsev, T. Yu. Golubeva, Generation of squeezed Fock states by measurement. Phys. Rev. A 109, 052428 (2024) (https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.14643)
QOL Seminar
See you in autumn!

To receive links and access code, please contact: quantopt [at] gmail.com
From February 25 to March 1, 2024,  the Quantum Optics Laboratory took part in the 7th International School on Quantum Technologies
About Us
Quantum Optics Laboratory of St. Petersburg State University (Russia) is working in the field of theoretical quantum optics and laser physics starting from the end of 90'th, in the actively developing field of quantum information, which mainly exploits the objects and experimental methods of quantum optics.
Current members
Head of the Lab
Professor, Dr.Sc.
Professor, Dr.Sc.
Professor Emeritus, Dr.Sc.
Professor Emeritus, Dr.Sc.
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,  Ph.D.
Ph.D. student
The 4d-year
Ph.D. student
The 3nd-year
Ph.D. student
The 2st-year
Ph.D. student
The 1st-year
Ph.D. student
The 1st-year
Our students
Master student
The 2nd-year
Master student
The 1st-year
Master student
The 1st-year
Master student
The 1st-year
Bachelor student
The 4th-year
Bachelor student
The 4th-year
Bachelor student
The 3rd-year
Bachelor student
The 3rd-year
Bachelor student
The 3rd-year
Bachelor student
The 3rd-year
Bachelor student
The 3rd-year
Bachelor student
The 2nd-year
Bachelor student
The 1st-year
Our Online Coursesand Specialization
Для студентов
Для студентов
Quantum Computing: from Basics to the Cutting Edge
Для студентов
Для студентов
Повышение квалификации для преподавателей
administrators: bashmakova.elizaveta [at] mail.ru
                           last update: 18/07/2024