Prof. Golubev Yuri Mikhailovich
Голубев Юрий Михайлович
Dr.Sc., Professor Emeritus
Date and place of birth:
19th of September 1938, Ulan-Yde, USSR

Affiliation and official address:
Saint Petersburg State University
7/9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034 Russia

Postal and visiting address:
Room A-312, Quantum Optics Lab,
Physics Faculty, Saint Petersburg State University,
3, Uljanovskaya ul., Peterhof, St. Petersburg, 198504 Russia

e-mail: yuri.golubev [at]
mobile: +7 911 213 36 08
office tel.: +7 (812) 428 43 38
fax: +7 (812) 428 7240

ORCID: 0000-0002-4935-3224
SCOPUS ID: 7005154894
ResearcherID: J-2562-2013
Researchgate: link
РИНЦ (SPIN-код): 1323-4741 
Pure: link
Main Publications
E.A. Vashukevich, E.N. Bashmakova, T.Yu. Golubeva and Yu.M. Golubev. High-fidelity quantum gates for OAM single qudits on quantum memory. Laser Phys. Lett. 19 025202 (2022)
Е.Н. Башмакова, Е.А. Вашукевич, Т.Ю. Голубева, Ю.М. Голубев. Высокоэффективная генерация сжатых состояний света на основе мод Лагерра-Гаусса в резонаторе. Оптика и спектроскопия 11, 1410 (2021). DOI: 10.21883/OS.2021.11.51641.2484-21 [Bashmakova E. N., Vashukevich E. A., Golubeva T. Yu. , Golubev Yu. M. Highly efficient generation of squeezed states of light based on Laguerre-Gaussian modes in a cavity//Opt. Spectrosc. 130 (14), 2120 (2022) DOI: 10.21883/EOS.2022.14.53997.2484-21]
A.S. Losev, T.Yu. Golubeva, A.D. Manukhova, and Yu.M. Golubev. Two-photon bunching inside a quantum memory cell.
Phys. Rev. A 102, 042603 (2020). arXiv:2005.06806 [quant-ph]

Э.Р. Зинатуллин, K.С. Тихонов, T.Ю. Голубева, Ю.M. Голубев. Влияние дифракции на импульс сжатого света в протоколе многомодовой резонансной квантовой памяти на тепловом атомном ансамбле. Оптика и Спектроскопия 128(9), 1346-1362 (2020). [E.R. Zinatullin, K.S. Tikhonov, T.Yu. Golubeva and Yu.M. Golubev. The Effect of Diffraction on a Pulse of Squeezed Light in the Protocol of a Multimode Resonant Quantum Memory Based on a Thermal Atomic Ensemble // Opt. Spectrosc. 128, 9, 1458-1474 (2020)].

T. Yu. Golubeva, Yu. M. Golubev, S. V. Fedorov, L. A. Nesterov & N. N. Rosanov. Quantum Fluctuations in a Laser Soliton. Optics and Spectroscopy 128, 505 (2020).

S.B. Korolev, T.Yu. Golubeva, and Yu.M. Golubev. Finding the optimal cluster state configuration. Minimization of one-way quantum computation errors. Laser Phys. Lett. 17, 055205 (2020).

E.A. Vashukevich, T.Yu. Golubeva, and Yu.M. Golubev. Conversion and storage of modes with orbital angular momentum in a quantum memory scheme. Phys. Rev. A 101, 033830 (2020).

S.B. Korolev, T.Yu. Golubeva, Yu.M. Golubev. Finding the optimal cluster state configuration. Cluster states classification by type of computations. Laser Phys. Lett. 17, 035207 (2020). (arXiv:1911.11511 [quant-ph]).
T.Yu. Golubeva, Yu.M. Golubev, S.V. Fedorov, L.A. Nesterov, E.A. Vashukevich, N.N. Rosanov, "Quantum theory of a laser soliton",
Laser Physics Letters, Volume 16, Number 12 (2019). DOI: ( (2019)).

К.С. Тихонов, А.Д. Манухова, С.Б. Королев, Т.Ю. Голубева, Ю.М. Голубев, "Управляемый логический вентиль на четырехузловом линейном гибридном кластерном состоянии", Оптика и спектроскопия, 11, 811 (2019) (

S.B. Korolev, A.N. Dobrotvorskaia, T.Yu. Golubeva, Yu.M. Golubev. Quantum computations on the ensemble of two-node cluster states, obtained by sub-Poissonian lasers. Laser Phys. Lett. 16 075204 (2019). (arXiv:1901.04864 [quant-ph].)

E. A. Vashukevich, A. S. Losev, T. Y. Golubeva, and Y. M. Golubev. Squeezed supermodes and cluster states based on modes with orbital angular momentum. Phys. Rev. A 99, 023805 (2019). (arXiv:1810.11821 [quant-ph].)
Yu. M. Golubev, T. Yu. Golubeva, E. A. Vashukevich, S. V. Fedorov, N. N. Rosanov. Effect of saturated absorption on sub-Poissonian losing. Laser Phys. Lett. 16, 025201 (2018).  (arXiv:1811.04672 [quant-ph].)

S. B. Korolev, E. A. Vashukevich, T. Yu. Golubeva, Yu. M. Golubev. On the mathematical and physical approaches to constructing a quantum cluster state in continuous variables, or is it possible to build a cluster of different modes? Quantum Electron, 48 (10), 906–911 (2018). [С.Б. Королев, Е.А. Вашукевич, Т.Ю. Голубева, Ю.М. Голубев. О математическом и физическом подходах к построению квантового кластерного состояния в непрерывных переменных, или можно ли построить кластер из разных мод? Квантовая Электроника, 48 (10), 906-911 (2018).]

S.B. Korolev, A. D. Manukhova, K. S. Tikhonov, T. Y. Golubeva and Y. M. Golubev. Criteria of minimum squeezing for quantum cluster state generation. Laser Phys. Lett. 15, 075203 (2018). 
A.D. Manukhova, K.S. Tikhonov, T.Yu. Golubeva, and Yu.M. Golubev. Noiseless signal shaping and cluster-state generation with a quantum memory cell. Phys. Rev. A 96, 023851 (2017).  (arXiv:1706.07249 [quant-ph].)

S.B. Korolev, K.S. Tikhonov, T.Yu. Golubeva, Yu.M. Golubev. Clusters on the Basis of Bright Multimode Light in a Mixed State. Optics and Spectroscopy 123 (3), 411–418 (2017). [С.Б. Королев, К.С. Тихонов, Т.Ю. Голубева, Ю.М. Голубев. Кластеры на основе яркого многомодового света в смешанном состоянии. Оптика и спекторскопия, 123 (3), 384-392 (2017).]

A.S. Losev, T.Yu. Golubeva, and Yu.M. Golubev. Manipulation of quantum states in a memory cell: controllable Mach–Zehnder interferometer. Laser Phys. Lett. 14, 055208 (2017). (arXiv:1612.00975 [quant-ph].)

A.D. Manukhova, K.S. Tikhonov, T.Yu. Golubeva, and Yu.M. Golubev. Preservation of quantum correlations in a femtosecond light pulse train within an atomic ensemble. Phys. Rev. A 95, 013801.  (arXiv:1611.00703 [quant-ph]).
A.S. Losev, K.S. Tikhonov, T.Yu. Golubeva and Yu.M. Golubev. Storage and conversion of quantum-statistical properties of light in resonant quantum memory on a tripod atomic configuration. Journal of Physics B: 49 (19), 2016.  (arXiv:1602.02364v1 [quant-ph].)
T. Golubeva, Y. Golubev. Efficiency in multimode broadband resonant quantum memory. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 36 (6), 522-533 (2015). 

K. Tikhonov, T. Golubeva, Y. Golubev. Atomic thermal motion effect on efficiency of a high-speed quantum memory. Eur. Phys. Journal D, 69, 252 (2015). 

К. Тихонов, Т. Голубева, Ю. Голубев. Перепутанные состояния сигнальных импульсов в многомодовой квантовой памяти. Оптика и спектроскопия, 118 (5), 807-814 (2015) [K.S. Tikhonov, T.Yu. Golubeva , Yu.M. Golubev. Entangled states of signal pulses in multimode quantum memory. Optics and Spectroscopy, 118 (5), 773-780 (2015)]. 
D. Mogilevtsev, D. B. Horoshko, Yu. M. Golubev, M. I. Kolobov. Quantum correlations and nonclassicality in a system of two coupled vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers. Phys. Rev. A 90 (6), 063819 (2014). 

T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev. Purity and Covariance Matrix. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 35 (1), 47 (2014)

K. Tikhonov, K. Samburskaya, T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev. Storage and retrieval of squeezing in multimode resonant quantum memories. Phys. Rev. A, 89, 013811 (2014).
T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev, O. Mishina, A. Bramati, J. Laurat, E. Giacobino. High speed spatially multimode Lambda-type atomic memory with arbitrary frequency detuning. Eur. Phys. Journ. D, 66, 275 (2012).

К. С. Самбурская, Т. Ю. Голубева, В. А. Аверченко, Ю. М. Голубев. Квадратурное сжатие в изолированном импульсе света. Оптика и спектроскопия, 113 (1), 88-98 (2012) [K. S. Samburskaya, T. Yu. Golubeva, V. A. Averchenko, and Yu. M. Golubev. Quadrature Squeezing in an Isolated Pulse of Light. Optics and Spectroscopy, 113 (1), 86–95 (2012)]. 
V.A. Averchenko, Yu.M. Golubev, C. Fabre, N. Treps. Quantum correlations of pulses of optical parametric oscillator synchronously pumped above threshold. Opt. Spectr. 110, 925-935 (2011). 

К. Самбурская, Т. Голубева, Ю. Голубев. E.Giacobino, Квантовая голография при резонансном адиабатическом взаимодействии полей с атомной средой в Lambda-конфигурации. Опт. и Спектр. 110 (5), 827 (2011) [K. Samburskaya, T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev, and E. Giacobino. Quantum Holography upon Resonant Adiabatic Interaction of Fields with an Atomic Medium in a Lambda-Configuration. Opt. Spectr. 110 (5), 775 (2011)]. 

T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev, O. Mishina, A. Bramati, J. Laurat, E. Giacobino. High speed spatially multimode atomic memory. Phys.Rev. A, 83 (5), 053810 (2011). 

V. A. Averchenko, Yu.M. Golubev, C. Fabre, N. Treps. Quantum correlations and fluctuations in the pulsed light produced by a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator below its oscillation threshold. Eur. Phys. Journ. D, 61 (1), 207-214 (2011)
Yu. Golubev, T. Golubeva and K. Samburskaya. Multi-pixel Sources of Entangled Light in the Correlation Measurements Without Homodyne Detection, in book “Quantum cryptography and computing”, Edited by R. Horodecki et. al. IOS Press, pp. 179-194 (2010).

T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev, K. Samburskaya, C. Fabre, N. Treps, M. Kolobov. Entanglement measurement of the quadrature components without the homodyne detection in the spatially multi-mode far-field. Phys. Rev. A, 81 (1), 013831 (2010)
Y.M. Golubev, T.Y. Golubeva, A.A. Gavrikov, C. Fabre "Pure and mixed stats in degenerate parametric oscillation", Opt. Spectr., 106 (5), 723 (2009) [Ю.М. Голубев, Т.Ю. Голубева, А.А. Гавриков, C. Fabre "Чистые и смешанные состояния в вырожденной параметрической генерации", Опт. Спектр., 106 (5), 803 (2009)].
В.Аверченко, Т.Голубева, Ю.Голубев, К.Фабр, Широкополосное излучение вырожденного параметрического генератора света над порогом генерации в информационных приложениях, Опт. и Спектр., 105 (5), 831-843 (2008) [V.A. Averchenko, T.Yu. Golubeva, Yu.M. Golubev, C. Fabre. Broadband Radiation of a Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillator Operating above Threshold in Information Applications. Opt. Spectr., 105 (5), 758-770 (2008).]. 

T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev, C. Fabre, N. Treps. Quantum state of an injected TROPO above threshold: purity, Glauber function and photon number distribution. Eur. Phys. J. D, 46, 179 (2008)

T. Golubeva, D. Ivanov, and Yu. Golubev. Broadband squeezed light from phase-locked single-mode sub-Poissonian lasers. Phys. Rev. A, 77, 052316 (2008). 
Yu. M. Golubev, T. Yu Golubeva, Yu V. Rostovtsev and M. O. Scully. Control of group velocity of light via magnetic field. Optics Communications, 278 (2), 350-362 (2007)

T. Golubeva, Yu. Golubev, D. Ivanov. Induced photon statistics in three-level lasers. Phys. Rev. A. 75, 023815, (2007)
Ю.М. Голубев, Т.Ю. Голубева. О статистике фотонов лазерного излучения в цепи обратной связи. Сборник трудов Лазерного Центра, 2006 [Yu.M. Golubev, T.Yu. Golubeva. About the photon statistics of the laser radiation with feedback loop, in book "Laser Investigations in Saint Petersburg State University", St.-Petersburg (2006) (in Russian)].

Yu.M. Golubev, T.Yu. Golubeva, M.I. Kolobov and I.V. Sokolov. Quantum parallel dense coding of optical images. Journal of Modern Optics: Special issue on Quantum Imaging, 53 (5-6), 699-711 (2006). arXiv: quant-ph/0501068 [quant-ph].
Т.Ю. Голубева, Ю.М. Голубев. Еще раз о проблеме лазера в цепи отрицательной обратной связи: источник квантового или классического света?, представленно в ЖЭТФ.

Yu.M. Golubev, T.Yu.Golubeva (Zernova), M.I.Kolobov, E. Giacobino. Polarization squeezing in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers.
Phys. Rev. A, 70 (5), 053817, (2004).  arXiv: quant-ph/0407006 [quant-ph]

Yu.M. Golubev, T.Yu. Golubeva, E. Giacobino. Polarization statistical properties of the emission from the single mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with the equally living laser levels. J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., 6, 525-532 (2004). 
Ю.М. Голубев, Т.Ю. Зернова (Голубева), Е. Джиакобино. Неустойчивость линейно поляризованных режимов генерации одномодового виксела. Оптика и спектр., 94 (1), 81-89 (2003) [Yu. M. Golubev, T. Yu. Zernova, E. Giacobino. Instability of linearly polarized lasing modes of a single-mode VCSEL. Optics and Spectroscopy, 94 (1), 75-82 (2003)]
C.Y. Ye, Y.V. Rostovtsev, A.S. Zibrov, Yu.M. Golubev. Quantum interference in atomic vapor controlled by a magnetic field. Opt. Comm. 207, 227 (2002).
Ю.М. Голубев, Г.Р. Ершов. Бесшумовое преобразование несущей частоты в резонансной безынверсной среде, состоящей из трехуровневых атомов. ЖЭТФ 118 (5), 1099 (2000)
[Yu.M. Golubev, G.R. Ershov. Zero-noise conversion of the carrier frequency in a resonant zero-inversion medium consisting of three-level atoms. JETP 91 (5), 952 (2000)].
C. Wiel, F. Haake, Yu.M. Golubev. Quantum-dot laser with periodic pumping. Phys. Rev. A 60, 4986 (1999).

Ю.М. Голубев, B.-G. Englert, Hwang Lee, M.O. Scully, H. Walther. Генерация субпуассоновского света 4-уровневым микролазером с высокодобротным резонатором. ЖЭТФ 116 (2), 485 (1999)

[Yu. M. Golubev, B.-G. Englert, Hwang Lee, M.O. Scully, H. Walther. Generation of sub-Poissonian light by a four level microlaser with a high-Q cavity. JETP 89, 258 (1999)].
Ю.М. Голубев, Г.Р. Ершов. Роль стационарной статистики фотонов в моде высокодобротного резонатора при возбуждении ею активной лазерной среды. ЖЭТФ 113 (4), 1223 (1998)
[Yu.M. Golubev, G.R. Ershov. Role of stationary photon statistics in a high-Q cavity mode while it is exciting the active laser medium. JETP 86 (4), 666 (1998)].

Ю.М. Голубев, Г.Р. Ершов. Улучшение квантовых характеристик излучения безинверсного трехуровневого Lambda-лазера в каскадных схемах. ЖЭТФ 114 (6), 1971 (1998)
[Yu.M. Golubev, G.R. Ershov. Enhancenebt of the quantum characteristics of light from an inversionless three-level lambda-laser in cascade schemes. JETP 87 (6), 1068 (1998)].
Yu.M. Golubev, M.I. Kolobov. Noiseless transfer of nonclassical light through bistable systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (3), 399 (1997).

Ю.М. Голубев, И.В. Соколов, М.И. Колобов. Возможность подавления квантовых флуктуаций света при избыточных фотонных флуктуациях внутри резонатора. ЖЭТФ 111 (5), 1579 (1997) [Yu.M. Golubev, I.V. Sokolov, M.I. Kolobov. Possibility of suppressing quantum light fluctuations when excess photon fluctuations occur inside a cavity. JETP 84 (5) 864 (1997)].
Yu.M. Golubev. Kinetic theory of a super-radiating laser. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 109 (2), 1437 (1996).
Yu.M. Golubev, T.G. Andreeva. Laser action in a superradiant medium. Izv. akad. nauk fiz. 59 (12), 84 (1995).

Ю.М. Голубев. Возбуждение активной среды микромазера светом субпуассоновского оптического лазера. ЖЭТФ 107 (2), 401 (1995) [Yu.M. Golubev. Excitation of the active medium of a micromaser by light from a sub-Poissonian optical laser. JETP 80 (2), 212 (1995)].
Ю.М. Голубев. Наблюдаемость квантовых состояний внутрирезонаторного поля микромазера в условиях случайной и регулярной инжекции рабочих атомов. ЖЭТФ 106 (4), 1031 (1994) [Yu.M. Golubev. Observability of quantum states of the intracavity field of a micromaser under conditions of random and regular active atom injection. JETP 79 (4), 561 (1994)].
Ю.М. Голубев. Оптика и спектроскопия 74 (5), 912 (1993) [Yu.M. Golubev. Suppression of photon fluctuations in a light flux nonlinearly amplified in a layer of a resonance medium. Opt. Spectr. 76, 552 (1993)].

Y.M. Golubev. Suppression of photon fluctuations in the the light flow during its nonlinear amplification in the layer of non resonance medium. JETP 103 (4), 1127 (1993).

Y.M. Golubev. Exciting of a laser active medium with auxiliary subpoisson laser-light. JETP 103 (3), 832 (1993).
Y.M. Golubev. The regular photon flux source. JETP 100 (6), 1749 (1991).
A.A. Belyaeva, Y.M. Golubev. Interpretation of HOCL3-, NDCL3-molecule optical-spectra in the ionic-model approximation. Opt. Spectr. 67 (5), 1050 (1989).

Y.M. Golubev, V.N. Gorbachev. Transformation of statistic properties of light by a parametric system. Opt. Spectr. 66 (4), 746 (1989).

Y.M. Golubev, V.N. Gorbachev. Transformation of statistic properties of light by a parametric system. JETP 95 (2), 475 (1989).
Y.M. Golubev, V.N. Gorbachev. Compressed states of a parametric-generation field. Opt. Spectr. 64 (3), 638 (1988).
A.A. Belyaeva, Y.M. Golubev. Electronic-spectrum in the visual-frequency range of UF4 molecules isolated in solid neon and the interpretation in crystal-field approximation. Opt. Spectr. 63 (3), 511 (1987).
Y.M. Golubev, V.N. Gorbachev. Formation of sub-poisson light statistics under parametric absorption in the resonante medium. Opt. Spectr. 60 (4), 785 (1986).
Y.M. Golubev, V.N. Gorbachev. Spectral-statistic properties of parametric generation. Opt. Spectr. 59 (5), 1095 (1985).

Y.M. Golubev, L.I. Plimak. Negative excess noise of radiation of gas microscopic quantity. Opt. Spectr. 59 (2), 362 (1985).

Y.M. Golubev, V.P. Gryaznevich. Laser-generation natural noise and effect of resonance spontaneous radiation trapping. Opt. Spectr. 59 (1), 151 (1985).

Y.M. Golubev, E.S. Polzik. Selection of non-gaussian-types noises of gas radiation in a strong dichromatic field. Opt. Spectr. 58 (6), 1233 (1985).
Yu.M. Golubev, I.V .Sokolov. Antibunching of Photons in Coherent Light Source and Suppression of Photodetection Noise. Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 87 (2), 408 (1984) [another ref. Sov. Phys. JETP 60 (2), 234 (1984)]; see also: D.Walls and P.Meystre, eds., Nonclassical effects in Quantum Optics, Key papers in physics. Amer. Inst. of Physics (1990).
E.B.Alexandrov, Yu.M.Golubev, A.V.Lomakin, and V.A.Noskin. Spectroscopy of Intensity Fluctuations (in Russian). Uspehi Fiz. Nauk 140, 547 (1983).
Yu. M. Golubev. Radiation transfer in quantum electrodynamics. Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 65, 466 (1973) [another ref Sov. Phys. JETP 38, 228 (1974)].